
Developing the Customer Social Network

In mani case busi subsid their technic support depart with assist from custom who were enthusiast part of their onlin communities. Zodiac Inflatable Boat As these commun grew mani custom began to find quick assist from other understand custom who have had the same problem without need to call and wait on hold to explain their issu to someon within the company. For exampl with comput softwar a custom mai experi issu that ar onli present with a particular machin or compon that would not have been test by the manufacturer. Other custom who us the same equip mai have alreadi found the solut and ar often better equip to respond to these sort of technic problem then the often baffl custom servic employe who see the product run perfectli everydai and can onli think 'but it work fine here'.

meet those expect wa a rel simpl process. The balanc of power wa clearli on the side of the company. While a consum might bother to complain or prais the compani to hi or her neighbor,Consum expect have long defin the busi world as a whole. Decad ago. littl could be accomplish on a mass scale, and that meant that the compani liter own all of the inform necessari to hone their market techniques.

the balanc of power wa still veri much with each and everi compani do busi online. Custom were suddenli offer more inform than most compani could ever imagine. Everi click and everi search meant addit data,Even after internet market and sale becam part of the intern vocabulary. and consum were wholli powerless to stop the inform gather that rule the ecommerc world. If you want to shop online, you had to becom part of the data collect heap. The best compani at the time made sens of the data and integr it into their busi models. Other however, had littl time to understand all of it and simpli shove it under the rug for a raini day.

recogn a new data revolut which he dub as "me-business." Custom collabor and social ar kei compon of today' me-busi world. In the "me-business" revolution,Former Chief Scientist at Amazon Andrea Weigend. custom expect to be given access to each other through variou means. Forward think compani have develop "systemat tools" to connect custom togeth such as corpor social networks. The proper design, deploy and us of corpor social network result in keenli defin custom expectations, and those custom who ar offer solid incent contribut meaning inform to the company. There is grow evid todai that an onlin social network commun is like to be more help to the custom than a repres emploi by the company.

