the major will follow these requests. Inflatable Water Game Wherev their destin mai be,If student and parent ar made awar of these class trip suggestions. we feel these guidelin help creat a safe and enjoy class trip.
it can seem like a daunt endeavor. Over the last 25 year of plan class trip to a varieti of U.S. destination,When student travel group embark on a class trip to a destin far from home. I have found that pre-trip plan and organ can be kei to a smooth trip.
Student group need to be given clear instruct in plan for a class trip. These student tour group will manag their departur from home and arriv in anoth citi much better than those who do not receiv directions.
chaperon and teacher to relax and deriv maximum enjoy from the journeyI am go to detail some basic prepar tip for class trip that assist in creat a tour that proce on schedul and allow student travelers..
1. Luggag rule for airlin carrier have chang over the past two years. To avoid extra baggag fee student ar best advis to limit their luggag to on suitcas and a small carri on.
then credit cards,2. Student should bring a minimum amount of cash with them. My educ travel compani recommend $50 total. If student requir more than thi on tour. bank cards, or travel check ar a wise alternative.
we strongli advis that student stai in group of four or more and with their assign chaperone3. While take a student tour of the destin city..
then the student travel group must honor thi request. Encourag all member of the student tour group to keep the buse clean4. Eate and drink is allow on most buses. Should the bu driver decid to discontinu thi privilege..
mani student have their own cell phones. For those who do not,5. These days. hotel phone number ar list on the itineraries. Parent should retain a copi of the itinerari so thei mai reach their children easily.
long distanc phone call and pai televis ar turn off. The group sponsor mai elect to allow student to pai for movi at the front desk,6. While stai in hotels. but the student must be accompani by an adult. Local phone call made from the room ar paid for by that room s occupants.
room assignments,7. Hotel rule need to be made and ultim enforc by teachers. Thi includ curfew which ar usual set at 11 p.m. . and room-to-room calling.
then thi person will meet the group sponsor to be appris of the rule and implementation8. If a secur person is retain for thi class trip..
the educ travel compani should be contact directly. 9. If problem occur on the class trip and a tour escort is unabl to solv them.
My educ travel compani provid a list of prepar tip for class trip prior to departure. I recommend teacher copi thi list and give the written tip to the student that ar traveling.