
Developing Top of Mind Awareness

Persist doe not mean you shouldn tInflatable Advertising for sale vari your method of contact. Until you know for certain how your prospect prefer to commun with you,Finally. it s best to cover all your base by chang your method of contact. Plus, by chang commun vehicles, it s a great wai to demonstr your persist without cross the line to irritant, or wors yet, a pest. Two voic messages, a follow-up email message, a custom letter or packag sent via snail mail and anoth voic messag "touches" the buyer differ than call after call with virtual ident voic messages.

it wa the persist salesperson that won my business. How did thei do this? Thei develop top-of-mind awareness,Some sale trainer teach that persist is a horribl idea. If you start to suspect that the buyer is just "kick the tire" the sale person is often instruct to cut the prospect loose. My experi find that philosophi is not applic in the B2B marketplace. As a SVP of purchas for a nation company. so when I wa readi to talk to them, I knew who thei were, where thei were from and what thei were selling.

yet 50% of salespeopl give up after the first touch. Here ar some action tactic that you can pursu that will help your messag be relev to a buyer without appear like the proverbi "pain in the posterior.Th American Market Associat sai 27 touch ar requir befor peopl will bui anyth new. It take an averag of 5 touch just to get an appointment."

be relevant,Y can t develop top-of-mind awar with a buyer unless you provid frequent "reminders" that you exist. The veri best salespeopl have work long and hard to establish a strong work relationship with their buyers. Make contact about onc everi two week in the earliest stage of prospecting. Keep in mind some of the other kei commun behavior in these earli calls: be targeted. and be purposeful. Using tactic outlin in "What Buyer Want" keep persist from cross the line into irritation.

reach out to your buyer onc everi coupl of month should be adequ to maintain top-of-mind awar if the time for a sale wasn t quit right when you initi were prospectingA ft develop rapport with your buyer..

expect to reach your prospect voicemail an averag of three time befor get through,Wheth it s due to caller ID or just a busi buyer. so be persistent! Sinc you should plan on be put through to voic mail, consid it a free advertisement. It s an ad that make your buyer awar of who you are, what your compani doe and what you can do for them. See our articl on target commun for more on voic mail messages.

