
Learning to Let Go

Make a decis to let go of it.giant Inflatable Air Dance To loosen the clench. To releaseSo..

enabl you to control your fear,It ll grant you the super-human abil to let go of troublesom emot at will. anger, pride and ego – all in on fell swoop.

we all experi emot everi singl dayNow..

thei help us. Evolut ha select our basic rang of emot to be the best for our survivalEmot ar what make us human. And more often than not..

W experi grief after death. We experi fear when confront with danger. We experi anger when we re rub up the wrong way. These ar essenti to living.

But sometim emot run riot.

and lead us into do thing we don t realli want to doThei go wild..

our word dry up and our bodi freez in terror the moment we stand on that platform. Emotion caus us to continu ignor onc good friends,Emot caus us to fear public speaking. becaus we re still angri at what happened, and can t reach forgiveness. Emotion keep us yearn for our addict to thing such as bad relationship or gambling.

emot aren t alwai good for us. Logically,So. thei don t make sense.

But here s someth to remember:

Y ar not your emotions!

yes. But you ar not your emotions. Thei re just "feelings" pass through. Thei re not youThi is a core mistak almost everyon makes. You experi your emotions..

Right? Think about it. You ar not your emotions.

A nd that s not all.

you can actual "let go" of unwant emot – on demand. You can switch off fear and anger,Becaus emot ar not you. as easili as you d switch off a light.

A lmost everi type of therapi out there ha the ultim goal of help you to let go of your unwant emotions.

the ultim goal is the same. To help you let go of the emot you don t want. To release,From psychotherapi to tribal scream therapy. to let go of your attachments. To sai "F**k it!" and move on.

easiest and most straight-forward person growth techniqueBut these type of therapi can be a littl long-winded. Let go of emot directli is realli the quickest..

how can you let go of your unwant emotionsSo.?

it can realli be as simpl as ask yourself the question: "Can I let thi go?Well."

you ar not your emotions. Right now,Remember. you re tightli hold onto your emot without even realiz it. You have a tight clench around anger with that annoi person. You have what Buddhist would call an attach to fear when it come to public speaking.

and you don t even realiz itY ar actual the on hold on to the emotion. You re in control..

